Sunday, January 8, 2012

Basic Driving Tips

Never let  you gas get under 1/4 tank at the very worst.  You need to be able to keep moving until you can get to a police station or some other rather safe area. 

Keep you windows up at all times, this makes it harder for anyone to physicaly grab you.  I will also defect objects throw in or fluids from hitting you.  It even provides a bit of protection from weapons fire. 

Try and make sure you can see the tires of the car in front of you touch the ground, if you can see them touch the ground you normally have enough room to turn around them.  At a total stop, it you get to close, it is easy for a single car to block you in from the rear.

When at all possible be on and inside or outside lane where you can once again turn out of traffic to escape.  Center lanes do not allow you the room to manover. 

When you have to jump a curb, hit it at as direct an angle as you can.  Your car can go over even larg curbs if you go at it at less than a 20% angle, and 45% is better.   Even at speed you car will climb it fairly well.  The tires with very little sidwalls look good, but can not handle curbs very well, they tend to hit the rims and break them to eaisily.

High speed chases look good on TV and movies, for real driving slower speed chases are more effective and up  your chances of survival.  Try and never go faster than you can easily control turns with your vehicle.  At very high speeds, even a small bump can put you out of control.  At a slower speed you can take a withstain fairly hard bumps with out losing control.

Your chances of out running a bad guy are fairly slim, your chances at a slower speed out manovering the bad guy are much higher.

Remember if the bad guy has a plan, it usually involves a fairly short area of control.  Most ambushes are with in 50 feet, you key is to get out of that area.  With a blown tire you can make it over a 1/4 mile, at a speed of over 30 miles an hour.  Keep going till you are out of the danger zone, and then a little further.  In the first 90 feet the wheel is probably gone anyhow, so the damage is done.

Never stop if you possible can, at over 20 miles an hour, it is hard to hit a car from a stationary position.  If the following car is shooting at you it is the change in speed that throws off the shot, not the speed itself.  If you are both going 90 miles an hour, the aiming speed is 0, and you can lose control just ducking from the shot. At a lower speed you can hit the brakes and hit the gas to throw off the others aim compleatly. 

Lastly if you are in real danger, you have to get over the aversion to wrecking the car.  Hitting another car or a gate is just against our way of doing business.  The hardest thing to teach professional limo drivers is to hit the other car.

We have all been stoped in traffic, but see driveways we can head down to get out of it, or parking  lots we can cut thru, both are illegal, but are effective if you are in danger.  I often use them to check to see if I am being followed.  A person that will violate the law following you is probably a real danger to you. 

Keep thinking as you drive, how would I get out of a problem right now.  Where would I go to get to safety right now.  This will keep you safer,

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